Retailers share how their omnichannel strategy has changed during Covid-19 and beyond

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As retailers reopen their doors to the public, it’s anything but a return to normal. The pandemic is forcing companies to adjust their omnichannel strategies for the next normal – one in which the retail world looks much different. 

We conducted an informal pulse survey in conversations with our dozens of retail customers and about a dozen prospects to learn the tactics they’re using this summer to reduce costs and encourage sales. Following are responses from both anonymous retailers and those who agreed to go on record about updates to their omnichannel strategy. 

What changes are retailers making to their omnichannel strategy during COVID-19 and beyond?

The most common retailer response was the implementation of curbside pickup. The offering allows shoppers to get their items on-demand in a way that makes them comfortable.  

Curbside pickup is just one of many tactics being employed by an anonymous retailer popular for selling baby merchandise. An assistant store manager shared that her store will also engage in “contactless payment, social distancing, wearing masks, and an emphasis on proper hygiene.”

“We plan to get more personal with our customers, while always remaining authentic in our communications.”

American Reserve Clothing Co. founder Cliff Carey says his store, which primarily sells men’s apparel, will fully rely on eCommerce moving forward. 

“I’ve gone 100% digital,” Carey said. “We will no longer have a physical storefront or host pop-up events.” 

For others, the customer connection will take center stage. Andrew Feeley, owner of Chicago shipping and business center Inbox & More, says reaching out to his customers will be a key component in bouncing back from the pandemic. 

An anonymous retail executive echoed those sentiments, saying, “We plan to get more personal with our customers, while always remaining authentic in our communications.” 

How does your company plan on adjusting its omnichannel strategy this summer? Reach out on LinkedIn or Twitter to let us know. 

Tune in next week to learn the one piece of advice retailers have for themselves and their businesses three months from now. In the meantime, read our blog, “4 omnichannel tips: Save money and encourage sales as retail reopens” to learn more about how retailers can launch a successful store reopening.


Caitlin Roberson
VP of Marketing

Caitlin Roberson is the Vice President of Marketing at Happy Returns. Previously, she served as Director of Enterprise Marketing at Lyft and Partner at top-tier venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Before that, she started and sold a content marketing agency. 

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