4 Sales Managers Share Creative Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team

By Madeline Hester | Feb 14, 2020

Happy Returns' Director of Enterprise Retail Partnerships Stephanie Eisele focuses on keeping the sales team culture positive and collaborative. When her team makes individual wins, they are treated as team and company-wide wins.

Beyond a commission, what are some strategies that motivate you as a sales person?

A sales organization that is rooted in team culture is highly motivating. Feeling like when you succeed, the whole team wins puts more weight on hitting targets. Our team loves knowing our direct impact on the company with each deal closed. The revenue we bring in can impact additional rounds of funding.

Company-wide recognition and visibility also play a big role. The first sales team I was a part of had a tradition when a new client signed of blasting the salesperson’s favorite song and ringing a bell in the middle of office, encouraging the entire company to gather round to hear the story of how the deal was closed. 

What does professional development look like for you as a sales professional, and how does that play into motivating you?

For me, professional development involves simply knowing the people I work with, and digging deep with prospects to understand their pain points and finding possible solutions. 

Happy Returns approaches professional development via shared books, podcasts, seminars, workshops and on-the-road coaching.

Article was originally published here.


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